What Is a Property Management Consultant?

By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 07-01-2021
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Whether you're starting a new property management business or you're ready to do more with a company you began years ago, a property management consultant could be the missing ingredient to more success. However, unless you understand the value of what a consultant does, you might not know what you've been missing.

What does a property management consultant do?

  • We provide an unbiased perspective about your business brand and operations by diving deep into your processes, team, and technology.
  • With an understanding of how you currently operate—and where you want to go—we help you tighten up your processes, measure KPIs, and give you an overall plan to move your business forward.

Business Advice Concept

Starting your company with the insights of a consultant can help you rapidly build success in your market. If you feel like you've hit a wall and growth eludes your long-standing company, insights and solutions from a property management coach can help you get past roadblocks and experience more growth! 

How do we do it? We provide a thorough diagnosis of your operations, then apply our experience to deliver a customized solution to improve efficiency and profitability.

With Real-Time Consulting Services, you tap into our expertise in the following areas.

Analyzing Your Team

Hiring an 'outsider' as your property management consultant can send your team into a panic—but that's not what anyone wants. Many property management companies have the right employees on the bus, but they're not always in the right seat to maximize their talents for your business. 

Our first goal when analyzing your team is to assess roles and competency concerning crucial daily tasks. When we understand who is on your team and how they function, we can:

  • Discover who needs more training
  • Illuminate if someone is carrying a more significant load than they should
  • Shift employees within your organization to reduce redundancies or bottlenecks that keep you from operating efficiently. 

We'll also help you see if (and when) it's appropriate to add staff and what roles will add more value to your services. Helping your team become a lean and powerful property management machine enables you to serve existing clients better and find the capacity to add new business. 

Reviewing Your Processes

When you have the right people in the right roles, they'll only be as effective as your processes allow them to be. The best property management consultant looks at every process from start to finish, then provides solutions to streamline processes and equip your team to execute their jobs more efficiently. 

Processes are the heart of your organization. They can lead you to more success or become one of those roadblocks that slow your growth and drive business away. When we review your processes, we help:

  • Develop policies and procedures that work best for your company: There's not an out-of-the-box solution that is best for you. If you started with a generic property management start-up plan, it's time to fine-tune it for your specific business goals. 
  • Highlight KPIs and metrics: Are you monitoring the right metrics for growth? We'll help you implement tracking and reporting, so you always know if you're meeting your goals or what more your team needs to do to get back on track. 
  • Plan for your futureCreating a comprehensive business plan and helping you forecast for your future keeps you focused on what's ahead and how to get where you want to be. 

With rock-solid processes that help your team be their best, you'll delight existing and future customers and boost your growth!

Optimizing Your Software and Technology

The best processes can get stuck behind manual operating methods and outdated technology. If you're enhancing your team's productivity and putting better processes in place, it's time to update your technology solutions, too. 

  • We stay up-to-date with the latest property management and marketing technologies that can better support your team and clients.
  • Depending on your needs and goals, we'll recommend customized solutions for you. When you choose the best property management consultant, you have access to more software options.
  • We don't force your business into a one-software-fits-all situation if it's not the right approach for you. 

Discussion in team

Training Your Team

When we put everything together—everyone in their ideal roles, enhanced and refined processes, and the right technology solutions—we're not serving you well if we leave your team to figure everything out on their own. 

You can't expect to experience long-term success if your team doesn't know how to use the tools we helped you put into place effectively. Our solutions include implementation, team training, and documentation of every solution we provide through our consulting services. 

We're Ready When You Are

Understanding what a property management consultant is—and what we do—is the first step toward more success in your market! If you've been putting it off, now is the time to let Real-Time Consulting Services examine your business and help improve your operations. 

We're ready when you are! Contact us to schedule a consultation.

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