Do You Know Your Numbers?

Operating Profit Calculators

  • Profit Per Door
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Maintenance

Calculate Your Profit Per Door

What’s your profit per door? If you don’t know (or haven’t checked this number recently), our interactive calculator can help!

Understanding the profit per door helps property management business owners optimize their operations to reach income goals. If your business struggles to cover expenses every month or you struggle with being aware of the day-to-day, identifying the income generated per door is the best way to understand the financial situation for your business—and find ways to maximize profits!

Profit Per Door involves multiple aspects of your company, including how many doors you serve, your fee structure, and your business expenses.
Use our free Profit Per Door Interactive Calculator to analyze your current profit per door. This tool can also help you dream bigger! By adjusting the numbers within the formula, you can see how more doors, adjusting your fees, and adding services can increase the profit you generate for your property management business.

Profit Per Door Calculator

Door Count



Monthly Revenue



Total Monthly Expenses




Download Results

{[{ monthly_revenue_per_door }]}

Monthly Revenue Per Door

{[{ monthly_expenses_per_door }]}

Monthly Expenses Per Door

{[{ annual_revenue_per_door }]}

Annual Revenue Per Door

{[{ total_annual_revenue }]}

Total Annual Revenue

{[{ total_annual_expenses }]}

Total Annual Expenses

Profit Calculations

Before RTCS

After RTCS

Monthly Profit Per Door

{[{ monthly_profit_per_door }]}

{[{ monthly_profit_per_door_rtc }]} (+40%*)

Monthly Profit

{[{ monthly_profit }]}

{[{ monthly_profit_rtc }]} (+20%*)

Expense Ratio %

{[{ expense_ratio }]}

{[{ expense_ratio_rtc }]}

Before RTCS

After RTCS

Annual Profit Per Door

{[{ annual_profit_per_door }]}

{[{ annual_profit_per_door_rtc }]} (+40%*)

Annual Profit

{[{ annual_profit }]}

{[{ annual_profit_rtc }]} (+30%*)

Profit Margin %

{[{ profit_margin }]}

{[{ profit_margin_rtc }]} (+26%*)

Improving your proft per door may seem complicated but we makes it easy.
Contact us to schedule your free consultation, and improve your profit per door

*estimated percentages are not guaranteed and are reflective of door count and implemented revenue streams

RTCS = Real-Time Consulting Services

After running the calculations, ask yourself a few questions to determine if your current profitability is on track toward your company’s goals:

  • Do my company’s expenses exceed the current gross revenue?
  • If so, what can I do to generate the revenue needed to cover all costs (plus experience profit)?
  • What’s the ideal profit per door to operate an efficient business and meet the long-term goals for my company?

Working through these questions can help you understand the financial state of your business and make improvements toward better profits!

Improving Profit Per Door

To improve the profit per door, property management business owners need to approach the problem in several ways:

  • Reduce costs
    Optimize operations by reviewing and improving processes, technology solutions, and automation to help employees work more efficiently.
  • Adjust fees
    Review property management, tenant placement, application, late fees, and more to make sure you’re charging enough for your services.
  • Add new services
    Consider adding new services to create additional revenue streams.
    Train employees. Excellent employees need the training to work with the latest software and within optimized workflows to serve more doors.
  • Find new leads
    When your business operates efficiently (while reducing costs), your employees have more room on their plates to serve more doors! Make more money by increasing the number of doors your serve using newly optimized processes, software, and team members.


If you’re not happy with your profit per door after running the numbers, but you’re not sure how to tackle different areas of your business that can boost revenue, a property management coach can help! Real-Time Consulting Services is here to walk you through your company’s finances, identify areas holding you back from better profits, and implement changes that will boost your profit per door and overall revenue!

  • STEP 1Calculate Your Target Growth Goals
  • STEP 2Calculate Your Current & Projected Numbers

Operating a successful property management company requires planning toward your goals. Calculating your Profit Per Door is a critical metric, but it's not the only number you need to know for success.

Reaching your goals means knowing how many new clients you need (at a monthly level) to get there. While you might not add that number of new clients every month throughout the year, having this target goal in mind helps you apply the marketing strategies you need to close new doors consistently throughout the year and meet your long-term goals.

Step 1 of understanding your Marketing & Sales numbers is to break down your target goals. Use our free calculator to plug in the numbers and see what you need to do to get where you want to be! Then move on to Step 2.

Where are you now? To reach your goals, it's essential to know your numbers now. Understanding where you're starting helps you grasp the realities of what it will take to close the gap between "now" and the monthly numbers needed to reach your future goals (discovered in Step 1 of your Marketing & Sales calculations).

Use the calculator on the right to analyze your marketing budget based on your current monthly leads and new doors. Then, compare the forecasted numbers based on your current realities (if nothing changes) to the numbers you need to hit to reach your goals (from Step 1). Use these insights to make a plan that closes the gap between "today" and your future success!

Enter your details below to start calculating

Current Door Count



Average Doors Per Client / Investor



Monthly Door Count Goal



Average Number of Leads Monthly



Average Number of New Doors Monthly



Average Marketing Budget Monthly




Download Results

{[{ total_new_clients_need }]}

Total # of New Clients Needed Monthly

{[{ client_count_goal }]}

Rolling 12 Month New Client Count Goal

{[{ door_count_goal }]}

Rolling 12 Month Door Count Goal

{[{ growth_rate }]}

Rolling 12 Month Growth Rate


Download Results

{[{ conversion_rate }]}

Conversion Rate

{[{ cost_per_lead }]}

Cost Per Lead

{[{ cost_per_door }]}

Cost Per Door

{[{ client_cost }]}

Client Acquisition Cost

Metrics Numbers
Current 12 Month NEW Door Count Forecast {[{ metrics_door_count_forecast }]}
Growth Rate {[{ metrics_growth_rate }]}
Time to hit goal in Months {[{ metrics_time_to_hit }]}
Number of Leads needed to hit Door Count Goals {[{ metrics_leads }]}
Marketing Budget to hit Door Count Goals {[{ metrics_budget }]}
Monthly Marketing Budget to hit Door Count Goals {[{ metrics_budget_monthly }]}

Calculate Your Maintenance

Maintenance services are another crucial area for any property management business and profitability. This can be a significant profit center for your company—or a financial drain if not operated effectively.

Property managers need to understand how many hours their team spends on maintenance, how much revenue comes in from these services, and your company's vendors, materials, and labor costs. Use this free calculator to run the numbers, then analyze if your maintenance service profit margins are where they need to be.

If not, it's time to optimize! Review your processes, personnel, budgets, and vendor relationships to find ways to operate more efficiently and cut costs (without sacrificing the quality of repairs or response times for tenants and owners).

Maintenance Calculator

Average # of Monthly Work Orders



Average maintenance markup paid
to the PM



Average Work Order Cost



Number of Maintenance-Only Employees



Average Hourly Pay Rate for Maintenance Employees
(Include averages for field techs and back-office team members)



Average WEEKLY Hours Worked by a Maintenance Team Member



Other MONTHLY Miscellaneous Maintenance Expenses




Download Results

Your team is spending

{[{ team_spend_hours_monthly }]}

on maintenance monthly

You're making

{[{ total_revenue_maintenance_monthly }]}

in Revenue monthly on maintenance

You're spending

{[{ total_expenses_maintenance_monthly }]}

monthly on maintenance

This allows you to earn

{[{ total_profit_maintenance_monthly }]}

in Profit monthly on maintenance

Your profit margin in your maintenance department is

{[{ profit_percentage_maintenance }]}

Your maintenance department labor efficiency ratio is

{[{ maintenance_labor_efficiency_ratio }]}

Get Started With a Free Consultation

Take the first step towards transforming your property management business with our free consultation. Our experts are ready to analyze your operations, identify areas for improvement, and provide tailored solutions. Fill out the form to get started and see how Real-Time Consulting Services can help you achieve your goals.

We will review your business plan and make sure you are on track.

We will analyze your goals and current systems in place.

Please Fill Out the Form to Get Started